
Understanding oily skin: its causes and the right facial skincare products

From shiny skin to blemishes, oily skin is not easy to deal with. It needs specific products for gentle purification and sebum regulation. Let's take a look at how oily skin works and the natural solutions for treating it

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How do I recognise oily skin?

Oily skin is characterised in several ways: a shiny appearance all over the face, a feeling of sticky skin, a thick and granular skin texture, dilated and visible pores, or a dull complexion. All of these characteristics are due to an overproduction of sebum, noticeable from the moment you wake up and also during the day.

Combination skin has these characteristics mainly on the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin), while the cheeks have a normal or dry skin type, usually associated with dehydration or loss of suppleness. So, do you have oily skin or combination skin?

 Why do I have oily skin?

The skin is a living organ that protects us from harmful external factors on a daily basis.

Sebum, produced by the sebaceous glands, plays a major role. Without it, the epidermis would not be so soft and supple and the balance of the skin flora would be disturbed, making the skin more fragile.
The overproduction of sebum (also known as hyperseborrhoea) that leads to oily skin is triggered by mistreatment of the sebaceous glands. This may be due to internal factors such as hormones, age, or poor diet, among others. But not just that! External factors such as pollution, stress, a hot, humid climate or the use of harsh cosmetics can increase this imbalance.

When my skin is always shiny...

When my skin is always shiny...

Here are some SOS solutions. Moisturising (just because your skin is oily doesn't mean you should deprive it of moisture), gentle cleansing and choosing a natural, purifying and mattifying facial skincare routine

My skin can no longer breathe

My skin can no longer breathe

Living in the city means putting your skin to the test, with many damaging external factors. Exposure to pollution gradually suffocates the epidermis, leading to excess sebum and a dull complexion. There is only one solution: detoxing!

Mistakes to avoid when you have oily skin

Our experts answer you

This is a common misconception. Just because your skin is oily doesn't mean it doesn't need moisturising - quite the opposite! This is one of skin’s basic needs and needs to be cared for with the right natural skincare. A moisturising, fluid texture with mattifying effects is therefore the best option.

Exfoliating your skin more than once a week is a potentially serious mistake. In fact, in over-stimulating the epidermis with a grainy scrub, you could inflame it and so produce the opposite effect to the one intended. You should therefore choose products with gentle formulas such as the 3-in-1 Purifying Powder (product link?) and a delicate application with light movements.

Choosing the wrong cleanser or one that is too harsh can dry out the skin or worse, encourage excess sebum. Using a gentle, natural cleanser is therefore essential. As for how often, we do not recommend cleansing more than twice a day, morning and evening.

Red alert! This is the best way to weaken the skin barrier, letting in bacteria, micro-organisms and other disruptors of the skin's balance.

This is an essential step for removing make-up as well as cleansing your face of sweat, sebum and impurities accumulated throughout the day.

If the sun seems to reduce sebum production and the appearance of imperfections in the short term, it is only an illusion! Without good sun protection, reappearance is guaranteed. Watch out for oily skin’s return at the end of the holidays!

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